Sunday Services

For the most accurate information about this week's in-person services across the Benefice, please see the calendar and the front and back pages of the "Churn" newsletter posted in the What's On section of the website.

Our normal service pattern is as follows but please note there are many exceptions and special services which will be noted in the Churn and on the Calendar:

St Michael’s Blewbury

1st Sunday 8h00 Parish Communion

and 10h30 Lay-led Service

2nd Sunday 10h30 Taizé or Matins

3rd Sunday 10h30 Parish Eucharist

Last Sunday 10h30 All Age worship

If 5th Sunday, then additional Lay-led Service on 4th or 5th

3rd Thursday 10h00 MU Holy Communion


St Andrew’s Hagbourne

1st Sunday 10h30 Eucharist

3rd Sunday 10h30 All Age Service

Every Sunday 18h00 Service of the Word

Every Wednesday 10h00 Holy Communion


St Mary’s Upton

1st Sunday 9h15 Share a prayer/lay-led

2nd Sunday 9h15 Parish Eucharist

4th Sunday 9h15 Parish Eucharist


St John the Baptist South Moreton

2nd Sunday 10h30 Parish Eucharist


All Saints’ North Moreton

1st Sunday 10h30 Parish Eucharist

Every other Sunday 16h00 Parish Service


All Saints’ Aston Upthorpe

1st Sunday 9h00 Parish Eucharist


St Michaels Aston Tirrold

3rd Sunday 9h00 Parish Eucharist


Churn Benefice Online Service

Alongside our in-person services, we continue to have online services every Sunday at 10.30am and weekday compline at 8pm.

Login in from 10am to chat and get ready

You are very welcome to join the Churn Benefice's online service. We use the GoToMeeting platform.

The link can be found by subscribing to The Churn or ring/email the benefice office (01235 850267/

We hope to see you there!

GoToMeeting Step by Step Guide on How to Join A Meeting

If you have access to the internet by any device, (phone, tablet, computer) you can follow these instructions once you have received the unique link for a particular meeting.

First time use

At least 10 minutes before the meeting is due to start click on the link you have been sent for the meeting. The link will look like this, but there will be a different number depending on the meeting:*********
Follow the on-screen instructions to set it up (install)

Subsequent meetings

At least 5 minutes before the meeting is due to start click on the link you have been sent for the meeting. It will look like this, but the number will change.*********

In the meeting

The host will issue some brief guidance at the start of each event.

When you hover your mouse towards the bottom of the screen you will see icons representing your microphone and your video camera; they will either be on or off.


Mike on         Mike off                 Camera on     Camera off

In a large group there can be a lot of background noise and distortion so at the beginning of a Church service for example, the host will ‘mute all’ to prevent background noise and distortion.

To go from mute to unmute, camera on to camera off, then just click the icon. It’s easy to forget so if people are waving at you it’s probably because you have forgotten to unmute. If your camera is off there will be a symbol with your initials to represent you.

This should be all you need to know to access meetings through your smart phone/tablet/computer. If for any reason you need an alternative then it is possible to join GoToMeeting events by dialling a unique telephone number and entering an access code (these will stated in every meeting invitation). If you use this method you will just be able to hear what is going on, rather than seeing and being able to participate more fully.

Useful tips

  • There are options at the top of your screen to ‘view everyone’, ‘view speaker’ or possibly view people with cameras. Scroll through to select your preferred view.
  • Different devices will display different numbers of images of people, depending upon screen size. You may be able to scroll through to see others. In the top right of screen it will say how many there are in total and if you click on that icon it will bring up a full list of participants. Some people may just appear as a set of initials if they either don’t have a camera or they have turned it off.
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